May 26, 2016

New Jersey Vehicle Identification Numbers
How do you get a vehicle record history in New Jersey?

The state of New Jersey offers a number of services online through the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission; however, many of these are protected by privacy laws and require a UserID and/or money to conduct a search. There is also a database through the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs which was created after Hurricane Sandy so that consumers could check to see if a vehicle had been branded as a “salvage-title vehicle” or a “flood-titled vehicle.”

A Certified Title Search (form DO-22A) which will enable you to receive a certified photocopy of the title of a vehicle with the current owner’s information only. If you are looking for information on more than one vehicle you will need to complete separate requests for each vehicle, a copy of your driver’s license, and a check or money order in the amount of $15.00 per vehicle. The following steps are required to receive a certified copy of a title:

  • Fill out Form DO-22A “Title Search” – you will need to complete both sides of this form and include a photocopy of your driver’s license as well as the VIN of the vehicle which you are researching;
  • Mail the form, the photocopy of your driver’s license, and the $15 payable to:
    • New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission

Certified Information Unit

225 East State St.

P.O. Box 146

Trenton, NJ 08666-014


If you need to get a VIN verification, they can be performed by any law enforcement agency in the state, including the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) Specialty Sites. There are three such sites in the state:

Winslow Township Salvage Inspection Site

250 Spring Garden Road

Ancora, NJ 08037


Asbury Park Salvage Inspection Site

1010 Comstock St.

Asbury Park, NJ 07712


Morristown Salvage Inspection Site

101 Ridgedale Avenue

Morristown, NJ 07960


For other sources for motor vehicle history you should look at the National Motor Vehicle Title Information System. NMVTIS is a database which provides data on cars that have been in recycling yards, junkyards, and salvage yards. They provide information on five key areas which are associated with auto fraud and theft:

  1. Current State Title and Last Title Date;
  2. Brand History – these are descriptive labels applied by motor vehicle titling agencies and include the terms “junk,” “salvage,” and “flood.” This helps protect consumers from purchasing a damaged vehicle without knowing the condition of the car. In Kentucky, which allows consumers to purchase “rebuilt” cars, knowing the history and the “brand” of a car may save you from paying far more than a vehicle is worth or from buying a vehicle which is unsafe or has the potential to be unsafe due to its history;
  3. Odometer Reading – people have been known to “roll the odometer back” to decrease the appearance of miles on a vehicle. This makes the vehicle appear to be worth more than it is worth, and it may also cause a consumer to purchase a vehicle which is unsafe. Odometer readings are recorded at the transfer of the title, so it can be a useful tool to check for any discrepancies of the vehicle’s history;
  4. Total Loss History – when a vehicle has been declared a total loss it has had severe damage. Knowing this information could save a consumer from paying more than what the vehicle is worth or from purchasing a vehicle which is unsafe; and
  5. Salvage History – vehicles with a salvage history have had severe damage. Knowing this information could save you money or save you from purchasing a car that is unsafe.

The free database, VINcheck, is run by the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NCIB.) They provide free VIN checks to the public which will tell you if the car has been reported stolen and not found, and if the vehicle has been in a salvage yard. There are other private and public websites which can be easily found by a quick search on the Internet, but NMVTIS and VINcheck are two that you should absolutely check out before buying a car.

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission Certified Title Search

Form DO-22A “Title Search”

New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs search for Salvage-Titled and Flood-Titled Vehicles

VINCheck – recommended by the National Crime Insurance Bureau:


Lemon Laws in New Jersey

The New Jersey Lemon Law can be found in the New Jersey Administrative Code, Title 13, Law and Public Safety, Chapter 45A, Subchapter 26 Lemon Law, or also the N.J. Stat. Ann. § 56:12-29 et seq. There is also a brochure published by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Lemon Law, New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Lemon Law “Your Road to Relief.” This brochure is available on the Internet and there is a link below. To get a copy of the “Consumer’s Guide to the New Jersey Lemon Law,” you should contact the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Lemon Law Unit (973) 504-6226. The New Jersey Lemon Law Unit helps consumers who are experiencing defects in a new car, a used car, a motorized wheelchair or scooter; however, for the purposes of this article we will focus only on vehicles.

The lemon law in New Jersey covers self-propelled vehicles which may be transported upon public highways. Motorhomes, off-road vehicles, yet vehicle converters are not covered. There is some coverage for used cars within the New Jersey Lemon Law, which we will discuss later.

The New Jersey Lemon Law covers passenger vehicles, any motor vehicle which is used and designed for the transportation of passengers, other than an omnibus or a school bus) and motorcycle which is purchased, leased, or registered in the state of New Jersey. The lemon law does not cover the living facilities of motor homes, but it does cover used vehicles.

The Lemon Law does not cover defects that were caused by an accident, abuse, vandalism, neglect, or unauthorized modifications or alterations of the vehicle. Furthermore, all repairs should be done by the manufacturer, its agent, or an authorized dealer in order to help your lemon law case.

The New Jersey’s Attorney General’s Office has specifically indicated that the lemon law does not cover those vehicles which have a commercial registration. If any of the following conditions apply to your vehicle, which was purchased or leased prior to October 1, 2009, you may be eligible for protection under New Jersey’s Lemon Law:

  • The defect in your vehicle continues after three (3) attempts to repair it; and
  • The vehicle has been out of service for twenty (20) days cumulative during the first two (2) years or first 24,000 miles.

Vehicles which were purchased or leased after October 1, 2009 have a different timeline and the presumption on the manufacturer is also different. For vehicles purchased or leased after October 1, 2009, the manufacturer is presumed to have been unable to repair or correct a nonconformity within a reasonable time if, within the first 24,000 miles or during the two (2) years following the original date of deliver to the consumer – whichever is first – one of the following occurs:

  • The same nonconformity, one which is not likely to cause death or serious bodily injury if the car is driven in a normal manner, has been subject to repair three (3) or more times by the manufacturer or its authorized dealer and the nonconformity continues to exist;
  • The vehicle is out of service due to repair for one or more nonconformities for a cumulative total of twenty (20) or more calendar days (45 or more calendar days for a motorhome) since the original delivery of the motor vehicle and the nonconformity continues to exist; OR
  • A nonconformity that is likely to cause death or serious bodily injury if the vehicle is driven has been subject to examination or repair at least once by the manufacturer or its dealer and the nonconformity continues to exist.

For motorhomes, if the consumer presents the motorhome to a repair facility that is not authorized by the manufacturer to provide service on that motorhome, then that is not considered as an examination or a repair attempt. If the consumer goes to an authorized repair facility and doesn’t wait for the repairs to the nonconformity, the consumer decides to continue traveling and to seek repairs of the same issue at a different authorized repair facility, those two stops at repair facilities will be considered as one examination or repair attempt.

Every time a consumer’s motor vehicle is returned from being examined or repaired during the specified time or mileage, the manufacturer must provide to the consumer an itemized, legible statement or repair indicating any diagnoses made and all work performed on the vehicle. This can be provided to the consumer by the dealer, but must include all information including, but not limited to:

  1. A general description or identification of the problems reported by the consumer or an identification of the defect or the condition;
  2. The amount charged for parts and the amount charged for labor (if it was paid by the consumer); and
  3. The date and odometer reading when the vehicle entered the repair shop and the date and odometer reading when the vehicle was returned to the consumer.

These presumptions apply against the manufacturer only in the following cases:

  1. If the consumer or the consumer’s agent notifies the manufacturer in writing, by certified mail return receipt requested, of a potential claim; and
  2. The manufacturer has had one opportunity to repair or correct the defect or nonconformity within ten (10) calendar days after they receive the notification.

The notification by the consumer to the manufacturer must occur after the following happens:

  1. Substantially the same nonconformity was subject to repair two (2) or more times;
  2. The vehicle has been out of service due to repair for a cumulative of twenty (20) or more calendar days (45 or more calendar days for a motorhome); OR
  3. For vehicles purchased or leased on or after October 1, 2009, a nonconformity that is likely to cause death or serious bodily injury if the vehicle is driven has been subject to repair or examination at least one time by the manufacturer or its authorized dealer and the nonconformity continues to exist.

If you believe that your vehicle meets the Lemon Law’s conditions then you need may qualify for Lemon Law relief. The first step is to complete a Lemon Law application and pay a $50 application fee, which will be returned to you if your case is successful. You can reach the Division of Consumer Affairs’ Lemon Law Unit at (973) 504-6226:

Lemon Law Unit

P.O. Box 45026

Newark, NJ 07101

The Lemon Law also requires that you send a letter to the manufacturer by certified mail, return receipt requested, informing them that you believe that you have a claim and that you are giving the manufacturer a final opportunity to resolve the problems. The Division of Consumer Affairs of the state of New Jersey will have the address of the regional office of your vehicle’s manufacturer.

After the manufacturer has received your letter have ten (10) days to make a final repair of your vehicle. If they refuse to repair the vehicle, you can demand a refund of the vehicle’s purchase price. If the case is resolved between you and the manufacturer you should inform the Lemon Law Unit of the conclusion.

If the claim is rejected by the manufacturer and they refuse to refund your money or replace your vehicle, you have the following options:

  • Send your complaint to the manufacturer’s informal dispute program – this is usually handled by the Better Business Bureau. If you take this route and not satisfied with the results with the results, you can still file for a hearing before an administrative law judge;
  • File a civil action in court – you should know beforehand that once a court decision has been reached, you can no longer use the Division of Consumer Affairs’ Program;)
  • Ask for a hearing through the Division of Consumer Affairs – this is always an option, but it is a wise idea to have a Lemon Law attorney present as the manufacturer will have legal representation.

To file a claim under the Lemon Law, you will need a copy of the letter to the manufacturer, your return receipt verification, and your final repair attempt notice.

In New Jersey, consumers are not required to participate in either a manufacturer’s informal dispute settlement procedure or the Division of Consumer Affairs’ summary hearing procedure before filing a court case. However, the consumer would prefer to try and arbitrate the case and the manufacturer has established an informal dispute settlement procedure pursuant to 15 U.S.C. Sec. 2310 and 16 C.F.R. Part 703, or pursuant to the requirements of the lemon law, then they may proceed with arbitration.

Although attorneys are not usually allowed to be present during the arbitration process, this is where you might consider retaining an attorney. The manufacturer certainly has attorneys who are researching your case and giving them advice which is a right that you have as well. The decision of the arbitrators is a binding decision for the manufacturer, but it is not for the consumer. If the administrative law judge decides in your favor and the director of Consumer Affairs agrees with the decision, you will be given a refund plus other costs. If you are unsatisfied with the decision of the court, you have 45 days to file for an appeal in the Appellate District of the Superior Court which can be reached at (609) 292-4822.

You may also wish to file a complaint with the state or the Better Business Bureau. There are online links that can help you file a complaint with the correct agencies. If you wish to file a complaint and mail it in, you should download the form or call the Division of Consumer Affairs at (973) 504-6200.

Mail copies, NOT THE ORIGINALS, of all the supporting documentation along with the Consumer Complaint Form to:

Division of Consumer Affairs

P.O. Box 45025

Newark, NJ 07101


Lemon Law in the state of New Jersey Code

Brochure from the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs “Your Road to Relief.”

Brochure from the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Lemon Law Unit, “New Car Lemon Law: Your Road to Relief.”

Brochure from the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Lemon Law Unit, “Consumer’s Guide to the New Jersey Lemon Law.”

New Jersey Lemon Law Unit

Auto Leasing Guide

Better Business Bureau Summary of the New Jersey Lemon Law

Better Business Bureau AUTO Line New Jersey

New Jersey New Car Lemon Law Brief

Online Consumer Complaint for the state of New Jersey for a New Car – Lemon Law

National Consumer Protection Week

Used Cars Buyer’s Rights in New Jersey

New Jersey’s New Car Lemon Law protects consumers who purchase a new motor vehicle which develops serious defects on the parts which are covered on the warranty. These defects must substantially impair the use, value, or safety of the vehicle and cannot be repaired by the dealer or manufacturer. The used-car law requires dealers to provide a limited warranty for certain vehicles and applies only to vehicles which have problems under the warranty.

Vehicles protected under the Used Car Lemon Law must be:

  • No more than seven (7) years old;
  • Mileage less than 100,000; and
  • A purchase prices of less than $3,000 from a licensed dealer.

The used-car Lemon Law enables consumers to have their complaint heard before an Administrative Law Judge. For more information, or if you need assistance from the Department of Consumer Affairs’ Lemon Law Unit, you should call (800) 242-5846.

Consumer Brief “Used Car Lemon Law“:

Filing a complaint with the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs

National Consumer Protection Week

Should you hire an attorney for a Lemon Law Case in New Jersey?

You may decide to consult with, and retain, an attorney in a lemon law case. While this is not necessary, it may be beneficial to you and your case. The manufacturer and the dealer will have experts on their side who are working to defend them and their side and you have that right as well, also:

  • A good attorney will know the lemon laws and be able to help if there have been any changes in the law;
  • Having an attorney at your table makes you appear more professional and prepared;
  • Attorneys know the time table that is followed in lemon laws and can help you stick to it and make sure that your documents get to the right place at the right time; and
  • Attorneys can help speed the process along rather than allowing the manufacturer to drag it out.

If you decide to do so you should hire one who in New Jersey and has handled lemon law cases similar to your case. Ask friends and family for recommendations or ask an attorney that you know if they have a trusted colleague who is familiar with lemon law cases. Other questions that you should ask any attorneys who you meet with and are considering hiring:

  • Do you have a history handling Lemon Law cases in New Jersey?
  • How many lemon law cases have you won in New Jersey?
  • How many lemon law cases have you lost in New Jersey?
  • What is your fee for a lemon law case?
  • Do you require the money up front or do you get paid at the end of the case?
  • If you get paid at the end, do you take a percentage of the amount won? What percentage is your fee?

If you are unable to find an attorney, you can contact the New Jersey State Bar Association at 732-249-5000. It is recommended by the Bar Association that you contact your County Bar Association’s Lawyer Referral Service in New Jersey, but this is a good place to begin your search.

New Jersey State Bar Association

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
Ganttown Square
5200 New Jersey 42 #13
1 609-292-6500

Toms River Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
1861 Hooper Ave
1 609-292-6500

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Corporate Office
225 E State St
1 609-292-6500

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
1 Executive Campus #110
1 609-292-6500

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
Golden Acres Shopping Center
698 Oak Tree Ave
1 609-292-6500

NJ Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
199 E Broadway
1 609-292-6500

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
9 W Park Ave
1 609-292-6500

East Orange Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
183 S 18th St
1 609-292-6500

Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
228 Frelinghuysen Ave
1 609-292-6500

Paterson Motor Vehicle Commision
Department of Motor Vehicles
125 Broadway #201
1 609-292-6500

NJ MVC Wayne Agency
Department of Motor Vehicles
481 US-46
1 609-292-6500

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
438 Summit Ave
1 609-292-6500

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
34 Center St
1 609-292-6500

Bergen County MVC
Department of Motor Vehicles
350 Ramapo Valley Rd
1 888-486-3339

NJ Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
1347 John F. Kennedy Blvd
1 609-292-6500

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
109 NJ-36
1 609-292-6500

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Agency
Department of Motor Vehicles
1374 NJ-36
1 888-486-3339

Rahway MVC Agency/Inspection/Test Center
Department of Motor Vehicles
1100 Woodbridge Rd & East Hazelwood Avenue
1 609-292-6500

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
County Rd 530
1 609-292-6500

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
1010 Comstock St
1 609-292-6500

State Of New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
120 S Stockton St
1 888-486-3339

south Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
3200 Brunswick Pike
1 609-292-6500

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
45 Kilmer Rd
1 609-292-6500

Lakewood Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
1195 NJ-70 #9
1 609-292-6500

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
8 Mill St
1 609-292-6500

Oakland Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
350 Ramapo Valley Rd #24
1 609-292-6500

Lakewood MVC Inspection Station
Car Inspection Station
1145 Route 70
1 609-292-6500

Freehold Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
811 Okerson Rd
1 609-292-6500

Manahawkin MVC Inspection Center
No reviews · Department of Motor Vehicles
Cook Rd
1 888-486-3339

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission Thorofare
Department of Motor Vehicles
215 Crown Point Rd
1 609-292-6500

Paramus MVC Inspection Center
Department of Motor Vehicles
20 W Century Rd
1 888-486-3339

Vehicle Inspection Station
Car Inspection Station
1600 S 2nd St
1 908-412-7989

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Car Inspection Station
617 Hampton Rd
1 888-486-3339

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
725 Tanyard Rd
1 609-292-6500

Morristown MVC
Department of Motor Vehicles
160 Canfield Ave
1 609-292-6500

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
Roosevelt Pl
1 609-292-6500

Camden Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
2600 Mt Ephraim Ave
1 609-292-6500

Motor Vehicle Commission Medford
Department of Motor Vehicles
175 NJ-70
1 609-292-6500

Runnemede Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
835 E Clements Bridge Rd
1 888-486-3339

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
1875 NJ-38
1 609-292-6500

Inspection Stations
Car Inspection Station
3200 Brunswick Pike
1 609-292-6500

Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
500-555 High St
1 609-292-6500

Department of Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
51 Sparta Ave
1 609-292-6500

Washington Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
404 E Washington Ave
1 609-292-6500

MVC Inspection Center
Car Inspection Station
550 Spring Garden Rd
1 609-292-6500
Open until 4:30 PM

NJ Motor Vehicle Commission Vehicle Inspection Station
Car Inspection Station
Secaucus Rd & County Avenue
1 609-292-6500

DMV Rio Grande
Department of Motor Vehicles
1500 NJ-47
1 609-292-6500

NJ Motor Vehicle Commission
Department of Motor Vehicles
181 Rte 31
1 609-292-6500

NJMVC Inspection Station
Car Inspection Station
Cook Rd
1 609-292-6500

MVC Inspection Center of Millville
Department of Motor Vehicles
1406 Wheaton Ave
1 888-486-3339

Medford MVC Agency
Department of Motor Vehicles
175 New Jersey 70 #25
1 888-486-3339

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission, Egg Harbor Township
Department of Motor Vehicles
Harbor Square
6725 E Black Horse Pike
1 609-292-6500

South Plainfield DMV
Department of Motor Vehicles
Golden Acres Shopping Center
698 Oak Tree Ave
1 609-292-6500

MVC Inspection Center
Department of Motor Vehicles
801 Okerson Rd
1 888-486-3339

Eatontown MVC Agency/Inspection/Test/Regional
Car Inspection Station
109 NJ-36
1 888-486-3339

DMV South Brunswick
Department of Motor Vehicles
2236 Route 130 North
1 609-292-6500

Motor vehicle inspection facility
Department of Motor Vehicles
90 Moran St
1 888-486-3339

Secretary of State
State Government Office
125 W State St
1 609-984-1900

Edison MVC Inspection
Car Inspection Station
33 Kilmer Rd
1 609-292-6500

MVC Agency
Department of Motor Vehicles
1374 NJ-36
1 609-292-6500

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