Georgia Vehicle Identification Number
The state of Georgia offers free VIN checks through the Department of Revenue of the state of Georgia. The VINCheck recommended by the Georgia Department of Revenue is the same that is recommended by the National Crime Institute Bureau and it is even available online. The information that you will receive maybe different from the ones that you would get from other sources and it would be a good idea to search the National Motor Vehicle Title Insurance System, which is also free and is highly recommended as it focuses on salvage yards, junk yards, and places which criminals often use to steal VIN numbers. It would also be a wise idea to pay for private companies to perform a VIN check as they often give you more information than those which are free are able to offer.
A Georgia VIN Check on a vehicle will tell you information such as:
- History of Accidents;
- Any recall history of this make/model of car;
- The history of the odometer reading;
- If the car is stolen or if it ever had been before;
- If the car was used in a loan or if there are outstanding liens on the car. If there are then you may end up being responsible for the money owed before you can even get the title in your name; and
- If a car has sustained flood damage it is almost impossible to repair and if it is repairable it would be extremely expense. The Georgia VIN Check will be able to identify cars which were involved in floods or other natural disasters.
This report can also be obtained at your local Georgia DMV office, which can be found by searching the Georgia Department of Motor Vehicles website or by going to the main office:
State of Georgia Department of Driver Services – Atlanta Office
Department of Motor Vehicles
400 Whitehall Street SW
Atlanta, GA 30303
Georgia Department of Motor Vehicles Locations
Should you run additional VIN Checks?
Yes. Although the state complies a list with a variety of sources, you can always get a free VIN check from the National Motor Vehicle Title Information System and the National Insurance Crime Bureau. NMVTIS is known for working with salvage yards and junk yards to obtain information and currently 40 states participate 100%. This system has helped to identify cars which were previously declared total losses in floods or have been reported stolen. The National Insurance Crime Bureau is particularly useful to check if a car has been reported stolen and not recovered. You don’t want to go to get your new title only to find out that you have purchased a stolen vehicle.
There are also private companies which will run VIN checks which may cost you some money; however, in the long run it would be worth it to spend the money on a VIN check rather than costly repairs in the future.
What about VIN checks specifically for Georgia? Is there a reason?
The simple answer is yes. While every state has its own issues and problems, Georgia is the 8th most populous state in America with over 10.3 million people divided into 59 different counties.
These numbers are from 2016, but they illustrate the number of cars and the danger of cars in the state:
- In 2016, there were 3,538, 180 cars registered in the state of Georgia.
- Motor Vehicle Accidents (from the Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety):
- 1,554 traffic fatalities were reported in 2016;
- The number of serious injuries sustained from traffic accidents has increased since the year 2010;
- 15.55 serious traffic injuries were reported for every 100 million vehicle mils traveled, which is lowers by 6% compared to 2015;
- 33% of traffic fatalities involved occupants of passenger cars, followed by pickups (14%) and utility or light trucks (14%);
- Almost half (44%) of people who were killed in vehicle accidents did not use seat belts and almost 1/5th, or 20%, of facilities had resulted from uncontrolled speeding.
- Motor vehicle theft rate in 2016 was 2.6 theft for every inhabitants; and
- A total of 26,801 incidents of auto theft were reported in the 2016.
- In the South, Georgia is the state least likely to have disaster declarations. In the United States, it is also one of the least disaster-prone states;
- However, both Florida and Alabama are quite disaster prone.
Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety
Emissions and Safety Inspection Locations
Registering and Titling a car in Georgia:
When you register a vehicle in the state of Georgia you should go to your County Tag Office and apply for a title and get a Georgia license plate. Vehicles can be easily registered and quickly at your local DMV office, and the DMVs in Georgia will be able to help you with a variety of title and license plate changes, including: renewing and registering a new vehicle, registering a vehicle if you are new to the state of Georgia, cancelling your title if you are selling your vehicle, replacing a lost or stolen title, replacing a lost or stolen license plate, renewing your license plate registration, when and where you can register a vehicle, specialty/prestige license plates and getting a title for a rebuilt or restored vehicle.
If you are registering and getting a title for a newly purchased vehicle:
Title Applications and License Plate Registration should be completed at your County Tag Office, but you will need the following information:
- A Valid Georgia’s driver’s license or ID card;
- Proof of Ownership of the vehicle;
- The original title of the vehicle;
- All buyer/seller information must be completed;
- The title must be assigned to you using your full name that is used on your driver’s license; and
- A Bill of Sale if the vehicle is 1985 or older and does not require a title.
- If the title is unavailable, a Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin (MSO) or a registration certificate from non-title state/county, must be assigned using your full legal name;
- If you are transferring from a non-title state/county, provide a completed paperwork of Form T -22B Certificate of Inspection
- The original title of the vehicle;
If you are trying to get a title for a salvaged vehicle you must first go through the Rebuilt Inspection process before a rebuilt title can be issued on these vehicles.
- Be a Licensed Rebuilder – any person who buys a salvaged or wrecked vehicle must for the purposes or rebuilding must be licensed as a rebuilder; or
- Pass the Inspection -when the vehicle is restored but before it is painted; it must pass inspection by one of the Department’s approved inspectors or stations.
To apply for a rebuilt title and vehicle inspection, you must submit the following to one of the Department approved private inspectors or stations:
- One (1) or more photographs of the vehicle in its salvaged/wrecked conditions before any repairs are made;
- Completed and signed Form MV – 1 Title/Tag Application;
- Original valid salvage title issued in the vehicle owner’s name or properly assigned to the owner;
- Completed and signed Form T-22R Request for Inspection of a Rebuilt Motor Vehicle;
- Completed and signed Form T-129 Labor and Parts Certification;
- Provide receipts for new or used parts used to restore/rebuild the vehicle should include:
- Part names and stock names;
- Show the vehicle owner or rebuilder as the purchaser of the parts. (The rebuilder’s name, as shown on the parts receipts must be shown on Form T-129.);
- For used parts, show the part name and the VIN of the vehicle from which the part was taken –
- Parts vehicle must have a title of file with the Department or submitted at the time of the application;
- If the parts are from another state, provide a letter of certification from the other state.
- Copy of Rebuilder’s License; and
- $100.00 inspection for the inspection station.
Once the vehicle passes inspection, the above paperwork along with the inspectors report and registration must be submitted with $118 – $100 for the state inspection fee and $18 for the title fee – to the following department:
DOR/Motor Vehicle Division
Attn: Salvage Unit
P.O. Box 740384
Atlanta, GA 30374-0384
Vehicles must go through the Rebuilt process:
- They have been branded “Salvage” in Georgia;
- They have been branded out of state as “Salvage,” “Flood,” “Water,” “Fire,” and “Total Loss;” or
- Tractor cab restored with a glider kit.
If the out-of-state title is branded as “Rebuilt” or “Restored,” (meaning that the vehicle is no longer in a damaged condition), the vehicle is exempt from the following procedures:
- Photographs of the vehicle in its salvaged/wrecked condition;
- Receipts for parts used to restore the vehicle; and
- From T-129 Labor and Parts Certification.
Motor Vehicle Titles and Registration
Georgia Motor Vehicles and Registration
Register and Title a Newly Purchased Vehicle
Form T-22B Certificate of Authorization
Approved Inspectors or Stations for Cars which are Rebuilt
Form MV-1 Title/Tag Application
Form T-22R Request for Inspection of a Rebuilt Motor Vehicle
Form T-129 Labor and Parts Certification
Lemon Laws in Georgia
The Georgia Lemon Law is in the Georgia Department of Law Consumer Protection Unit. covers only new vehicles for up to two (2) years or 24,000 miles – whichever comes first. For a car to be covered under the state of Georgia Lemon Law it must still be in the owner’s possession. It does not cover either purchased or used vehicles, used vehicles, motorcycles, trucks that weigh 10,000 pounds or more, All-terrain vehicles (ATVs), boats, vehicles which do not legally qualify as a motor vehicle, or the living area of a motorhome. However, the Federal Lemon Law, also called the Magnusson-Moss Warranty Act, can assist if necessary to help to cover warranties and can help with vehicles which sometimes slip through the individual state lemon law statutes.
It does not guarantee that a consumer will receive a new vehicle or that their money will be refunded, just that the dealer and/or manufacturer will be held to the terms of the warranty that the vehicle was sold. Much like other states, the car must have a substantial defect which both impairs the use of the car, making the car dangerous and likely to result in severe injuries or death if driven, AND it must reduce the market value to the car must be significantly. (It should be noted that rattles and squeaks do not substantially impair either the use or market value of a vehicle and are not covered.
Under the Georgia Lemon Law there are specific definitions and specific numbers when trying to resolve a lemon law issue. First, your car must qualify as a lemon under the Georgia state law. For your car to meet the criteria of the Georgia lemon law it must meet the following conditions:
- The car must have a substantial defect which both significantly impairs the use of the vehicle AND it significantly impairs with market value of the car within one year of the date of purchase;
- The consumer must give the car dealer at least three (3) attempts to fix the defect for most issues; one (1) attempt for defects that could cause serious injury or death; OR the car must have been unusable for more than thirty (30) business days, which need not be consecutive, during the first year of ownership or the terms of the warranty, whichever comes first;
- Defects which cause rattles or squeaks, but do not substantially impair either the use or the market value or the car are not covered under Georgia’s Lemon Law. Defects which are a result of neglect, abuse, or unauthorized modifications to a vehicle are also not covered.
- The consumer must inform the manufacturer in writing by certified mail, called a Final Repair Opportunity Notice, OR you can submit a Vehicle Repurchase or Replacement Request to the manufacturer of the vehicle if:
Consumers who feel that they have been victims of the lemon law are also encouraged to contact the Better Business Bureau Auto Line at 1-800-955-5100. The BBB also has an arbitration service or manufacturer’s warranty dispute program for many car manufacturers and can help give you information on what agency or organization would be the best to handle the complaint. The Georgia Attorney General has a Consumer Line at 303-222-4444 or 800-222-4444 and a website.
While many consumers handle vehicles that are lemons on their own, you have the right to hire an attorney to represent you. If you choose to retain an attorney, be sure and find one who is familiar with the lemon laws in the state of Georgia and has experience working with lemon law cases. You can always contact the Georgia Bar Association for a list of lawyers in your area.
Final Repair Opportunity Notice
Vehicle Repurchase or Replacement Request
Department of Motor Vehicles
200 Cherry St
1 678-413-8400
Georgia Department of Driver Services
Department of Motor Vehicles
2301 Airport Rd
1 912-370-2604
Georgia Department of Driver Services
Department of Motor Vehicles
8610 Roswell Rd #710
1 678-413-8400
Closing soon: 12:00 PM
Georgia Department of Driver Services
(5) · Driver’s License Office
200 Carl Vinson Rd SE
1 678-413-8400
Closed today
Driver’s License
Department of Transportation
1504 Telfair St
1 478-275-6600
Perry Drivers License Department
Driver’s License Office
450 Golden Isles Pkwy
1 866-754-3687
Driver’s License Division
Department of Motor Vehicles
371 Gil Harbin Industrial Blvd
1 229-333-5385
Closing soon: 12:00 PM
Driver Services Department
Department of Motor Vehicles
172 Bob Kirk Rd
1 706-595-9751
Driver’s License Office
2801 Candler Rd #82
1 678-413-8400
Closing soon: 12:00 PM
Georgia Department of Driver Services
Driver’s License Office
3423 Mike Padgett Hwy
1 678-413-8500
Closing soon: 12:00 PM
Toccoa Drivers License Department
Driver’s License Office
62 E Doyle St
1 706-282-4821
Americus DDS
Department of Motor Vehicles
1601 N Martin Luther King Blvd #270
1 678-413-8400
Georgia Department of Driver Services
Department of Motor Vehicles
8040 Rockbridge Rd SW
1 770-484-3850
Closing soon: 12:00 PM
State of Georgia Department of Driver Services
Driver’s License Office
278 McElroy Rd
1 678-413-8400
Closing soon: 12:00 PM
Department of Motor Vehicles
1505 US-29
1 706-552-4427
Closing soon: 12:00 PM
Georgia Department of Driver Services
Department of Motor Vehicles
400 Whitehall St SW
1 404-657-9300
Closing soon: 12:00 PM
Lawrenceville DDS
Department of Motor Vehicles
310 Hurricane Shoals Rd NE
1 770-995-6855
Closing soon: 12:00 PM
Department of Motor Vehicles
1605 County Services Pkwy
1 678-413-8400
Closing soon: 12:00 PM
Georgia MVD Albany Driver Services Department
Department of Motor Vehicles
2062 Newton Rd
1 229-430-4258
Closing soon: 12:00 PM
Georgia Department of Revenue, Motor Vehicle Division
Department of Motor Vehicles
4125 Welcome All Rd
1 855-406-5221
Department of Driver Services
Department of Motor Vehicles
5036 GA-85
1 404-669-3961
Closing soon: 12:00 PM
Georgia Department of Driver Services
Driver’s License Office
2211 Beaver Ruin Rd
1 678-413-8400
Closing soon: 12:00 PM
Department of Driver Services – Statesboro
Department of Motor Vehicles
19051 US-301
1 912-681-5999
Camden County Vehicle Registration
Department of Motor Vehicles
200 E 4th St
1 912-576-3248
Liberty County Department of Motor Vehicles
Department of Motor Vehicles
112 N Main St
1 912-876-3389
Georgia Department of Driver Services Drivers License Office
Department of Motor Vehicles
348 Thomas H Frier Sr Dr
1 912-384-1600
Kingsland Drivers License Department
Department of Motor Vehicles
333 S Ashley St
1 912-729-1362
State of Georgia Department of Driver Services
Driver’s License Office
1010 Aviation Blvd
1 770-532-5308
Closing soon: 12:00 PM
MVD Tag Office
County Government Office
423 College St
1 770-830-5826
Macon Drivers License Department
Department of Motor Vehicles
200 Cherry St
1 404-657-9300
Georgia Department of Driver Services
Driver’s License Office
1605 County Services Pkwy
1 678-413-8400
Closing soon: 12:00 PM
Brunswick Drivers License Department
Department of Motor Vehicles
134 Jack Hartman Rd
1 866-754-3687
Evans Drivers License Department
Department of Motor Vehicles
4408 Evans to Locks Rd
Closing soon: 12:00 PM
Muscogee County Tag Office
Auto Tag Agency
3111 Citizens Way
1 706-653-4208
DMV Office Sandy Spring
Department of Motor Vehicles
8610 Roswell Rd #710
1 678-413-8600
Closing soon: 12:00 PM
Drivers License Department
Department of Motor Vehicles
4788 US-84
1 229-227-2500
Troup County Driver’s License
Department of Motor Vehicles
900 Dallis St
1 678-413-8400
DeKalb County Tax Commissioner
County Government Office
4380 Memorial Dr #100
1 404-298-4000
Locust Grove Drivers License
Driver’s License Office
619 Tanger Dr
1 678-565-4362
Closing soon: 12:00 PM
Columbia County Motor Vehicle Division
Department of Motor Vehicles
630 Ronald Reagan Dr
1 706-868-6884
Gwinnett County Tag Office
Department of Motor Vehicles
5030 Georgia Belle Ct
1 770-822-8818
Chatham County Tag Office
Auto Tag Agency
1145 Eisenhower Dr
1 912-652-6800
Jackson Drivers License Department
Department of Motor Vehicles
149 Riverview Dr
1 770-504-2469
Closing soon: 12:00 PM
Houston County Tax Department
Tax Department
200 Carl Vinson Pkwy
1 478-542-2110
Georgia Department of Driver Services
Driver’s License Office
409 S Midway Rd
1 866-754-3687
Clayton Tax Commissioner
Tax Department
Southlake Festival
1510 Southlake Pkwy
1 770-477-3331
South Augusta Tag Office
Auto Tag Agency
3463 Peach Orchard Rd
1 706-821-2476
Closing soon: 12:00 PM
State of Georgia: Driver’s License
State Government Office
3029 Memorial Dr
1 912-285-6296
Cherokee County Tax Commissioner’s Office
Tax Collector’s Office
155 Towne Lake Pkwy
1 770-924-4099
Dublin Department of Driver Services
Department of Motor Vehicles
620 County Farm Rd
1 678-413-8500
Closing soon: 12:00 PM
Department of Drivers Services
Department of Motor Vehicles
1180 C Weldon Smith Dr
1 706-454-2527
Forsyth County Auto Tags
Department of Motor Vehicles
1092 Tribble Gap Rd
1 770-781-2112
Georgia Department of Driver Services- Driver’s License Office
Driver’s License Office
1117 Eisenhower Dr
1 912-691-7400
Closing soon: 12:00 PM
Department of Driver Services
Department of Motor Vehicles
3690 Old 41 Hwy NW
1 678-413-8400
Closing soon: 12:00 PM
North Gwinnett Tag Office
Department of Motor Vehicles
2735 Mall of GA Blvd
1 770-822-8818
Open until 6:00 PM
Gwinnett County Tag Office
Department of Motor Vehicles
750 S Perry St
1 770-822-8818
Georgia Department of Driver Services
Driver’s License Office
128 Bullsboro Dr
Athens-Clarke County Tag Office
Auto Tag Agency
3025 Lexington Rd
1 706-613-3130
Georgia Department of Driver Services
Department of Motor Vehicles
3029 Memorial Dr
1 912-285-6296
Georgia Department of Driver’s Services
Driver’s License Office
400 Aquatic Cir